Customer Testimonies

"Thank you Perkins Inc. for what your company offers a superb, hi-quality service that saves DFW homeowners money, energy and reduces our impact on the environment as well! Perkins Inc. used hi-tech equipment to rate my home for energy loss and air infiltration problems. They repaired every issue they could find until my house had an acceptable rating."

Will Raymond
Carrollton Tx.

"The service provided by Perkins Inc. far exceeded my expectations. They were professional, informative and highly skilled. They gave me excellent advice and rescued me from making an uninformed decision. I'm so thankful I called them rather than an insulation company who would have come in to simply spray insulation. I saved so much more money than I would have if I had not contacted Perkins. I will call them again when I need more services. Thanks guys!"

Connie Freeman
Dallas Tx.

"Perkins Inc. has made drastic improvements to my household, saving me money and making my home much more eco-friendly. The attic insulation job they preformed on my home combined with the home weatherization and duct sealing made my home much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer. Their services are top notch and any home owner/renter should take advantage of what Perkins Inc. can do for your home!"

Chris Graves
Carrollton Tx.

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Dallas Professional Attic Floor Air Sealing

Home Attic Air Leak Sealing

Attic floor air sealing

can be considered one of the most important energy saving and comfort increasing upgrades. The most important and overlooked air leaks can actually be located in your attic. Air leaking between your home and your attic tend to bring in the most dust and unwanted temperatures year round. Insulation materials alone have a high air permeability and are not considered air barriers. Air leaking through an insulation material is much like air moving through an air filter which reduces the insulations thermal resistance. Air sealing the attic floor combined with insulation defines the thermal barrier and is the correct way to complete an attic.

Perkins Inc. specializes in multiple solutions to seal air leaks at the attic floor for increased efficiency, air quality and comfort of your home. We offer two solutions to accomplish air sealing the attic floor and only perform this services if the old insulation has been removed in the home. Clearing the attic areas of insulation is the most important task to ensure the quality of an air seal.

Why perform attic floor air sealing:

  • Increase indoor air quality
  • Reduce allergens & dust entering from attic
  • Eliminated pathways for bugs, moisture & fire
  • Reduce attic to home hot/cold air transfer
  • Help balance indoor temperatures
  • Increase comfort
  • Increase performance of new insulation
  • Increase HVAC equipment life.
attic floor leaks

Attic floor air leak spot seal:

The basic attic floor air leak sealing is the spot seal. Spot sealing is performed with an orange fire block insulating foam sealant and is applied to wall plates, electrical holes, plumbing stacks, recessed can lights and other areas of interest. The bright orange colored foam is easy for code identification and easy to see where the attic floor has been sealed. Fire block foam sealant is a great product that helps conserve energy, reduce drafts and save on heating and cooling costs. This is a cheaper alternative than a full attic floor flashing.

foam attic floor attic floor air leak sealing close cell foam on attic floor spf air seal attic floor complete close cell foam attic floor air barrier dirty rockwool insulation

Complete attic floor foam flashing:

The advance attic floor air leak sealing is a complete 3/4" inch coverage of close cell foam on the attic floor. In this application close cell foam is used where traditional fiberglass batts, or cellulose is used; between the floor joists. The attic is left highly vented through gable, soffit, and ridge vents in the roof structure. Using foam on an attic floor is a major step in the effort to reduce air gaps and seal the living space below. This not only creates a continuous air barrier but a continuous thermal barrier. After the foam has been installed and cured we then apply fiberglass insulation over the top to beef up the R-value and act as the ignition barrier for the foam.

foam attic floor attic floor air leak sealing close cell foam on attic floor spf air seal attic floor complete close cell foam attic floor air barrier dirty rockwool insulation

Attic Floor Air Sealing & Insulation

Once the attic floor air seal has been completed we're ready to re insulate the attic. Now that the attic floor has been sealed the new insulation will perform to its fullest potential. Perkins Inc. recommends installing an R-38 (15") or an R-49 (19") after the attic floor has been air sealed. Perkins Inc. is trained and certified to install insulation and we make sure every job is installed correctly so that it may keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Air sealing the attic floor combined with installing new Greenguard Certified insulation will create a clean and much more efficient attic that's safe for you and your family.

unsealed wall plates Open Wall Cavity Ceiling Fan Opening Unsealed Wall Plates & Electrical Holes Dirty Insulation From Air Leaks Unsealed Open Wall Cavity Spot Seal Wall Plates Spot Seal Wall Plates Spot Seal Wall Plates & Plumbing Spot Seal Wall Plates & Electric Holes Foam Can Lights Foamed Wall Plates & Electrical Holes Seal & Foam Open Wall Cavity Spot Seal Recessed Light Seal & Foam Open Wall Cavity Full Flash With Baffle Full Attic Floor Flash Closed Cell Attic Floor Flash Full Attic Floor Flash Complete Attic Floor Foam 3/4 Inch Foam Air Barrie Close Cell Foam Covering Attic Floor Flash Including Boots Flash Over Electrical Holes

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