Customer Testimonies

"Thank you Perkins Inc. for what your company offers a superb, hi-quality service that saves DFW homeowners money, energy and reduces our impact on the environment as well! Perkins Inc. used hi-tech equipment to rate my home for energy loss and air infiltration problems. They repaired every issue they could find until my house had an acceptable rating."

Will Raymond
Carrollton Tx.

"The service provided by Perkins Inc. far exceeded my expectations. They were professional, informative and highly skilled. They gave me excellent advice and rescued me from making an uninformed decision. I'm so thankful I called them rather than an insulation company who would have come in to simply spray insulation. I saved so much more money than I would have if I had not contacted Perkins. I will call them again when I need more services. Thanks guys!"

Connie Freeman
Dallas Tx.

"Perkins Inc. has made drastic improvements to my household, saving me money and making my home much more eco-friendly. The attic insulation job they preformed on my home combined with the home weatherization and duct sealing made my home much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer. Their services are top notch and any home owner/renter should take advantage of what Perkins Inc. can do for your home!"

Chris Graves
Carrollton Tx.

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Dallas Attic Staircase Covers - Sales and Installs

Attic staircase covers - Insulate and air seal your pull down attic staircase

Attic staircase covers

are a low cost, easy to install solution for multiple attic entrances. Attic covers not only provide an insulation barrier over or around an attic entrance but also create an air tight seal. A home's attic access, which could be an attic hatch, pull-down stairs, or a knee-wall door, often goes uninsulated. This gap in the attic insulation increases heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. Not only are attic entrances not insulated they are not air sealed properly or air sealed at all. A 1/4-inch gap around the perimeter of an attic access can potentially leak the same amount of air supplied by a typical bedroom supply duct.

Perkins Inc. has not only seen EVERY attic staircase cover on the market we have installed every attic cover made. From our experience handling and installing different attic staircase covers we have numbered it down to the two attic covers that we feel are the best of the best. Their design, product quality, product durability, product performance and easy install keep us happy selling and installing them for our customers.

Draft Out Pulldown Attic Staircase Cover Attic Covers Dallas Attic Staircase Cover Installer
Draft Out Attic Staircase Cover

Draft Out Attic Staircase Cover

  • High R-value
  • Arma Foil Radiant Barrier Built In
  • Easy Zipper Access To Attic
  • Insulates & Air Seals Attic Staircase
  • Easy To Install
  • Strong Product Material
  • Installs Inside Rough Staircase Frame
Draft-Out Attic Cover (Not Installed)
Attic Tent Attic Staircase Covers Attic Covers Dallas Attic Tent Staircase Cover Installer
Attic Tent Attic Staircase Cover

Attic Tent Attic Staircase Cover

  • Air Seals Attic Door
  • Insulates Attic Staircase
  • Easy Zipper Access To Attic
  • Fits Multiple Attic Entrances
  • Easy To Install
  • Strong Product Material
  • Installs To Top Of Rough Staircase Frame
Attic Tents (Not Installed)
Uninsulated and drafty attic pulldown staircase Unsealed Boot To Drywall Boot To Drywall After Seal Sealed Air Handler Unsealed Air Return Before Seal Air Return After Air Seal Unsealed Distribution Box Before Air Seal Distribution Box After Air Seal Unsealed Ducts To Plenum Before Sealed Ducts To Plenum After Air Seal Unseald Boot To Drywall Before Seald Boot To Drywall After

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