Customer Testimonies

"Thank you Perkins Inc. for what your company offers a superb, hi-quality service that saves DFW homeowners money, energy and reduces our impact on the environment as well! Perkins Inc. used hi-tech equipment to rate my home for energy loss and air infiltration problems. They repaired every issue they could find until my house had an acceptable rating."

Will Raymond
Carrollton Tx.

"The service provided by Perkins Inc. far exceeded my expectations. They were professional, informative and highly skilled. They gave me excellent advice and rescued me from making an uninformed decision. I'm so thankful I called them rather than an insulation company who would have come in to simply spray insulation. I saved so much more money than I would have if I had not contacted Perkins. I will call them again when I need more services. Thanks guys!"

Connie Freeman
Dallas Tx.

"Perkins Inc. has made drastic improvements to my household, saving me money and making my home much more eco-friendly. The attic insulation job they preformed on my home combined with the home weatherization and duct sealing made my home much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer. Their services are top notch and any home owner/renter should take advantage of what Perkins Inc. can do for your home!"

Chris Graves
Carrollton Tx.

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Dallas Professional Batt Insulation Contractor

Dallas Batt Insulation: Roll Out Comfort Naturally

Knauf EcoBatt batt insulation

doesn't look like any insulation you've ever seen, but that's because its natural brown color represents a level of sustainability never before achieved. The color comes from ECOSEā„¢ Technology, a revolutionary, new sustainable binder born from five years of intensive research. Made from rapidly renewable organic materials rather than petroleum-based chemicals commonly used in other insulation products, ECOSE Technology reduces binder embodied energy by up to 70%, and does not contain phenol, formaldehyde, acrylics or artificial colors used to make traditional fiberglass insulation.

Batt insulation is most commonly installed into building cavities during construction. Batts are commonly sized to fit between framing members that are spaced on 16-inch or 24-inch centers. As a retrofit batts are most often applied to vertical walls when the drywall has been removed, knee walls in the attic and attic floors. We recommend installing blown insulation to the attic floor and batt insulation to vertical walls such as a knee wall.

Batt insulation in a wall cavity or a knee wall is the standard insulation barrier for these applications. The thermal performance of batts is very dependent on proper installation. To attain maximum R-value, the batts should be in continuous contact with all the surrounding cavity surfaces where they are installed. The R-value and effectiveness of batt insulation can be greatly improved with flash and batt applications or by covering the batts with a sheathing ( Double foil bubble reflective insulation ). These additional upgrades to batt insulation will help reduce air movement, eliminate voids in the batts, keep the batts from falling down and reflect or slow heat transfer through the batts.

Flash & Batt Application:

  • Mixture of closed-cell spray foam and fiberglass batts
  • Air-sealing qualities without paying for a full-cavity application
  • A tight air barrier throughout the wall
  • Higher R-value
  • Reduce drafts
  • Increase comfort
  • Increase home efficiency
dallas attic insulation attic insulation

Double Foil Bubble Reflective Insulation Sheathing Application:

  • Foil reflects 95% radiant heat away from wall
  • Helps eliminate voids in batt insulation
  • Helps reduce air leakage
  • Slows heat transfer through batt insulation
  • Keeps insulation from falling out of place.
  • Class A / Class 1 fire rating
  • Eliminate hot walls
  • Increase comfort level and lower electric bills!
Batt Insulation Reflective Bubble Insulation Kneewall with Tempsheild Tempsheild reflective insulation Double Bubble Double Foil Reflective Insulation Wall Reflective Insulation
Batt insulation on vertical walls Brown is green Knauf EcoBatts Natural batt insulation Batt Insulation on kneewall Batt insulation

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