Customer Testimonies

"Thank you Perkins Inc. for what your company offers a superb, hi-quality service that saves DFW homeowners money, energy and reduces our impact on the environment as well! Perkins Inc. used hi-tech equipment to rate my home for energy loss and air infiltration problems. They repaired every issue they could find until my house had an acceptable rating."

Will Raymond
Carrollton Tx.

"The service provided by Perkins Inc. far exceeded my expectations. They were professional, informative and highly skilled. They gave me excellent advice and rescued me from making an uninformed decision. I'm so thankful I called them rather than an insulation company who would have come in to simply spray insulation. I saved so much more money than I would have if I had not contacted Perkins. I will call them again when I need more services. Thanks guys!"

Connie Freeman
Dallas Tx.

"Perkins Inc. has made drastic improvements to my household, saving me money and making my home much more eco-friendly. The attic insulation job they preformed on my home combined with the home weatherization and duct sealing made my home much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer. Their services are top notch and any home owner/renter should take advantage of what Perkins Inc. can do for your home!"

Chris Graves
Carrollton Tx.

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Dallas Home Blower Door Testing & Home Weatherization

Dallas Blower Door Testing : Find the leaks, seal the leaks and save comfortably!

Blower door testing

is the most practical way to find air leaks, measure the air tightness of a building and calculate the minimum ventilation requirements to ensure acceptable indoor air quality in homes. A blower door is a powerful fan that mounts into the frame of an exterior door with a calibrated manometer constantly measuring the pressure of the home while the blower door is running. A blower door is used to pressurize a home by blowing air into the home or depressurize a home by sucking air out a home. Blower door depressurization is the most common procedure because air comes in to the home through air leaks and allows you to feel, view ( Infrared camera ) and locate the air leaks. The blower door data also allows Perkins Inc. to determine the effectiveness of any air-sealing procedures.

Blower Door Testing Benefits:

  • Find air tightness of a home
  • Locate and feel air leaks in a home
  • Measure air tightness improvements
  • Prevent over-tightening a home or building
  • Determine air change rates and minimum ventilation requirements ( MVR )
  • Test a home for compliance with standards for energy efficiency
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Dallas home weatherization

Home weatherization

is the process of reducing energy consumption and increasing comfort in a home by sealing air leak issues and improving the homes air barrier. Air leakage in a home represents 5% to 40% of the space-conditioning cost. Air leaks in most existing homes add up to an open window in your home 24 hours a day, all year long. Controlling air leakage is one of the most important functions of home weatherization. An effective air barrier prevents most air leakage as well as convection. An effective air barrier surrounds a home on all sides, adjacent to its insulation. However Most homes have a flawed air barrier that can be significantly improved by a blower door test and air sealing.

Home weatherization includes sealing bypasses (cracks, gaps, holes), especially around doors, windows, pipes and wiring that penetrate the ceiling and floor, and other areas with high potential for heat loss, using caulk, foam sealant, weather-stripping, window film, door sweeps, electrical receptacle gaskets, and so on to reduce air infiltration. Weatherization can also include replacing older windows with Energy Star vinyl replacement windows with insulated and Low-E coated glass as well as replacing old drafty doors with tightly sealed and insulated doors.

Home Weatherization Benefits:

  • Protects insulations thermal integrity
  • Reduce indoor cooling/heating by outdoor air
  • Reduce pest and insect access to indoor
  • Increase indoor air quality
  • Reduce drafts
  • Save energy
  • Increase comfort
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